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Monday, April 18, 2011

Outsider Smartphone

Outsider Smartphone

Podcast: Francois Zalacain â€" Founder Sunnyside Records | Page4Music
How many of you use #Hashable? 1 week ago; The business card is now the badge of the outsider 1 week ago; Why the World Needs a High-Fidelity Smartphone Audio Module (via ...
Somaliland: A Land In Limbo | KOSU Radio
“I wanted to show daily life as best I could as an outsider,” he said. “I wanted to show the functionality of the place.” Mahon believes that Somaliland is succeeding as an independent state in ways that the other “lands in limbo” haven't. ... SmartPhone listening options on this page are intended for many iPhones, Blackberries, etc. with low-cost software applications available to listen to our full-time web streams, both News on KOSU-1 and Classical on KOSU-2. ...

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