This Divine Comedy Of Asperger Errors
Over an eight-year period of regular visits I had never heard him speak. Standardized IQ tests revealed moderate mental retardation. His mother developed night blindness and hypothyroidism in college and had responded well to Vitamin A and thyroid .... These cells, upon differentiation, have a small voltage outward current, when differentiated have large inward sodium, potassium and CA+ currents. As mature cells they synthesize acetylcholine, not catecholamines (37). ...
The negotiations on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement and ...
Nevertheless, if Russia comes up with a very advantageous offer (e.g. a large cut in the price of gas) for Ukraine, it could not be ruled out that Ukraine would decide to find a pretext for obstructing negotiations with the EU. ... However, recently statements made by lower-ranking representatives about the necessity of Ukraine joining Russia's integration projects have been heard. These voices are the most likely to reflect the opinion of this Ukrainian business elite ...